
Day 63 - Harvard Classics - 90 Day Challenge

Sep 9: Emerson's NATURE

When Nature Beckons

"There are days during the year," says Emerson, "when the
world of nature reaches perfection." Can anyone escape this call,
especially in the glorious Indian Summer?

Read: Emerson's NATURE ........................   Vol. 5, pp. 223-230

Sep 10: Holmes' POEMS

Famous Poet-Physician

One of America's famous New Englanders, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, devoted his life principally to medicine. His name,
however, was made famous through his poem, "Old Ironsides,"
by which he saved America's most famous battleship from destruction
when her fighting days were ended.

Read: Holmes' POEMS .............................   Vol. 42, pp. 1365-1370

Sep 11: Adam Smith's WEALTH OF NATIONS

Wages—Why and How Much?

What regulates wages, on what do they depend? Adam Smith,
world's authority on economic problems, advances his theories
on these matters.

Read from Adam Smith's WEALTH OF NATIONS ......   Vol. 10, pp. 66-74


Love Letters of Elizabeth Browning

In all literary history there is no happier love story than that of
Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. During their secret
courtship Miss Barrett sent Browning many beautiful love letters
written in verse.

Read: SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE ......   Vol. 41, pp. 923-932