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Day 83 - Harvard Classics - 90 Day ChallengeNov 28: BLAKE'S POEMSPoems Made from Visions "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower—" Such was the exaltation of the mysticism of William Blake, who reflected in his poetry the ecstasy of his visions. Simplicity is the keynote of his genius. Read: BLAKE'S POEMS .......................... Vol. 41, pp. 583-592 Nov 29: Hume's OF THE ORIGIN OF IDEASHow Ideas Originate Did you ever stop to think just how you thought? What inner emotions, what outer influences make up the fathomless depths of mind and intellect? Hume explains how we draw our thoughts, then clumsily put them into tangible shape called ideas. Read: Hume's OF THE ORIGIN OF IDEAS ............... Vol. 37, pp. 299-303 Nov 30: Swift's ESSAY ON CONVERSATION"Don'ts" for Conversation To harp on one's illnesses, giving all the symptoms and circumstances, has been a blemish on conversation for ages. Two hundred years ago Swift complained of persons who continually talked about themselves. Read: Swift's ESSAY ON CONVERSATION .............. Vol. 27, pp. 91-98 Dec 1: Berkeley's THREE DIALOGUESAre Skeptics Faulty Thinkers? Offhand we say a skeptic is one who doubts everything. But does he? And are his doubts caused by too much learning, or too little? Berkeley presents both sides of skepticism. Read from Berkeley's THREE DIALOGUES ............. Vol. 37, pp. 189-199 |