
Day 73 - Harvard Classics - 90 Day Challenge

Oct 19: Hunt's ESSAYS

Virtue in Smiles

Weep if you must. It is far better than to repress your tears.
But Leigh Hunt finds greater virtue in cheerfulness. Fanciful
and graceful—his writings exerted a wholesome influence on all
nineteenth century journalism.

Read: Hunt's ESSAYS ...........................    Vol. 27, pp. 285-295

Oct 20: Homer's ODYSSEUS

Odysseus Adrift on a Raft

The gods met in council and decreed that Odysseus be set adrift.
Poseidon, God of the Sea, shattered the raft and Odysseus was cast
ashore to encounter further adventures.

Read from Homer's ODYSSEUS ..........................    Vol. 22, pp. 68-80

Oct 21: Cicero's ON OLD AGE

No Fault to Find with Old Age

Cicero agrees with Browning that old age is the golden time of
life, when the fruits of a well-spent life are harvested. Cicero,
the wise Roman, welcomed old age for its gifts: wisdom, sound
judgment, and contentment.

Read from Cicero's ON OLD AGE ................    Vol. 9, pp. 45-56

Oct 22: Thackeray's JONATHAN SWIFT

Swift's Love Problems

Swift was embarrassed by two women; Stella, whom he really
loved, and Vanessa, with whom he had flirted and who had
taken him seriously. Marriage to either one would break the
heart of the other.

Read from Thackeray's JONATHAN SWIFT ...........    Vol. 28, pp. 23-28