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Day 58 - Harvard Classics - 90 Day ChallengeAug 20: Milton's PARADISE LOSTPlot Against EveDriven from Heaven, Satan meditated revenge. He decided his greatest opportunity to injure God was to bring sin to mankind. Satan's plot against Eve is told by Milton. Read from Milton's PARADISE LOST ................ Vol. 4, pp. 154-164 Aug 21: CONFESSIONS OF ST. AUGUSTINEHidden Treasures in an Old BookA certain man was willed a Bible. He scorned the legacy until one day, penniless and downcast, he turned to the book for consolation. Imagine his amazement on finding hundred dollar bills between the pages. St. Augustine explains how he found even greater treasures in the Bible. Read from CONFESSIONS OF ST. AUGUSTINE ............ Vol. 7, pp. 118-126 Aug 22: Dana's TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MASTAboard the Old Sailing ShipsIn the days when sailing ships plied the seven seas, common sailors were often subject to a brutal captain whose whim was law. Dana, a Boston college boy, makes an exciting story of his sea experiences. Read from Dana's Two YEARS BEFORE THE MAST ...... Vol. 23, pp. 99-111 Aug 23: Burke's ON THE SUBLIME AND BEAUTIFULWhich Is a Beautiful Woman?The Hottentot thinks his wife beautiful. Every American believes his wife also to be beautiful. But the American and the Hottentot are quite different. What, after all, is Beauty? Read from Burke's ON THE SUBLIME AND BEAUTIFUL ....... Vol. 24, pp. 78-88 |